Monday, August 14, 2006

It's all blue....

community pool
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
Here is my daughter Destiny enjoying our neighborhood community pool. It has two diving boards, a low and a high dive. High dives seem to be disappearing more and more these days. The great thing about this pool is it is free for kids. Not a lot is free these days, so this is extra special in my book.

Of course this is a illegal photo because after taking this, I was informed that taking pictures of your kids is not allowed at this public pool. No signs mention this but I guess the perverts have stolen yet another one of our freedoms. Soon we won't be able to do much of anything anymore due to liability. It really ticks me off, if I start thinking much about it. I can't take a picture of my girl jumping into a pool because some sex offender somewhere might get off doing the same thing...eek gads where will it end?

1 comment:

FCB said...

I'm glad to hear about this community pool. That is tax money well spent.
I can just feel the refreshment of that water and wish I was next in line.