Thursday, August 10, 2006

lady in the water...

Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
“I want to believe! I want to be like a child again. -Mr. Leeds (Lady in the water)

"The objection to fairy stories is that they tell children there are dragons. But children have always known there are dragons. Fairy stories tell children that dragons can be killed." -G.K. Chesterton

I know this movie has got hammered by the movie critiques but I liked it, a lot. In fact the more I chew on it's messages the more I am impressed. It has weaknesses for sure but it is plump full of truth that can be munched on. I can't wait to start our Truth in Culture discussion group, this flick will be a part of that class for sure.

"I am concerned with a certain way of looking at life, which was created in me by fairy tales, but has since been ratified by the mere facts." -G.K. Chesterton

More on this movie:
Finding faith in the water:

You must become like a child:

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