Time: 9AM
Day: Saturday
Place: Starbucks
Crowd: Middle age women
Question: What do a group of middle age women talk about?
-Dieting & Weight
-House cleaning
-Health problems
Thought: Do today's women care about anything other than stuff that primarily revolves around their personal domain: ie. Butt, Gut & Hut? I read a quote the other day that said: "Well behaved women never make history".
Agree or disagree...?
I feel that many woman are that way but there are many woman out there that do not but they just never get the same spotlight as the ones that put themselves in it.
There is way to much glamor and to much body talk then values, servanthood and ladyness.
Anyway my thought
I don't know what other ladies talk about during coffee, but as for me, continual self-focused small talk suffocates me. I end up not hanging around those types of women for long because to me it's like eating only peas. Eventually you end up hating peas, and die of sheer boredom and staleness. It's like reading a poem over and over again. Pretty soon you realize there is nothing more to that poem no matter how many times it's read. It is complete - take it or leave it. Do I sound jaded?? I'm not. This is probably the reason I ended up having more guy friends growing up. They tend to be less petty, stuck up, and competative...and I've never heard a guy complain about the size of his butt...or the size of my butt, for that matter. LOL! - LeeElla
You know, at first I was a little offended by this blog. I wanted to defend my gender...but as I began to think, really think, there were more woman out there content with earthbound conversations than were desiring to move outside their broken record lives.
I have very few woman friends who's conversations can bring me to a place of spiritual growth or who are willing to move into territory unexplored.
But thinking about it further,I can also speak of men who can't move beyone their guts, sluts and putts'.
I don't think it's just woman of today...I think it's today's entire generation that are happy to coast the waves with blinders on. The older generation are just tired and the younger generation are just lazy.
"But thinking about it further,I can also speak of men who can't move beyone their guts, sluts and putts'"
Preach it sister! Preach it! That's the truth right there!
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