Saturday, December 08, 2007

I'm going to live until I am 80

Take the test:


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting at 84. But if I get a wife, that could go up to 87! And apparently I should be taking Aspirin? This is a neat site, I'm going to maybe review some possible changes to make in my life.

Michael McMullen said...

I'm okay, yessirre, I'm gonna live to be 103! No, not really. I'll make it to 82. That's a long time. I think I'll take up smoking and drinking regularly to see if I can cut that down to a round number.


Anonymous said...

I'll be 85, but if I enjoy life less I can stay in longer... -Matt

joey said...

mine came to 82 too.. surprising, since i am at the heaviest weight i've ever been!
i do eat healthy... usually... i just eat too much... and dark beer that doesn't
but i do work out at least 3 times a week and take vitamins and supplements..
maybe if i get in shape again i'll live to 100? lol