Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Ok...i've been watching "Heroes" for the last two seasons. But this last few episodes has got me a bit perturbed. If you remove the sense of tragedy from a series by allowing for anyone who dies to be brought to life either through "magic blood" or time travel...where is the drama in that. Now, whenever someone gets knocked off...eh, so what, we all now know that Heroes don't die...they just act like it for ratings. That is a major weak point for me. I want to feel tragedy and drama when a Hero dies...it jips the moment when you sprinkle hero dust on them and they resume the endless story. I hope Jessica does stay dead....she adds looks to the show but her character line puts me to sleep. I hope that the next "chapter: VILLAINS" really has some villains that are creative...not superpowers that can do anything..but creative storytelling that puts tension in the plot not a massive wave of overpowering evil that nobody can withstand. Give me a tad of reality in this unreal world.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Even my favorite omnipotent character, Q, came near death and found his limits. I think it's just plain bad writing to make characters without real limits.

Michael McMullen said...

A quote I like from Geeks of Doom:

"Don’t take me out of my fantasy by messing with my reality. We’ve willingly slipped into our suspension of disbelief. Why...would you choose to patronize us with blatantly questionable malarky? It serves nothing but to force us to ask unnecessary questions in the midst of our fantasy."

I don't watch Heroes, but that is something that irks me about a lot of sci-fi, fiction and superhero tales.

Damon Steele said...

Agreed. I am a big fan of "The Unit" and it nearly turned me upside down when Hector was shot and killed. Totally out of the blue and unexpected, and it felt like part of you died right then.