The numbers keep rising, some projecting 50,000 people may have died in the storm that ripped through the Irrawaddy delta in south of Burma. Most of our refugee friends from Burma are from the Northern region of Burma. I do know a woman named Omar who is here from Rangoon, Burma and I know she has family there. I will be contacting her to see if she has heard anything from her family. The tragedy is immense and hard to come to grips with such a number who in one day are gone. The pain, suffering and horror can't be comprehended from the warm, sunny, cafe in our church that I write from. The hypocrisy of these soldiers who hand out aid to the suffering but shoot others in cold blood in the North is mind boggling to me. This world makes absolutely no sense. All I can pray is "come Lord Jesus, come quickly". You can send help
Is Matt OK? Have you heard from him? Just horrific. These poor people are suffering enough then to have this happen is just devastating. I am hoping the government as we know are crooked already. Just makes me sick to hear about the suffering of these beautiful people.
lol I mean't to say I hope our government will be allowed to step in and help. I for some reason didn't finish my sentence.. sorry
"Ok boys send these to Karen State, our men need food to fight those rebels!" Hopefully not. -Matt
Exactly Matt, I agree 100% like this corrupt, murderous, superstitious, prideful regime is going to use all the resources for humanitarian aid. Give me a break.
And as for the USA, I got my issues there too. We celebrated the life and sacrifice of Aung San Suu Kyi by honoring her with the highest award we can give, that Gold star or whatever the President gave her...but we sit back and watch and wait as the junta kills its own. All the pomp is fluff...
We topple governments for oil and for fear of our own skin but we dont do anything for real struggling democracy leader who is imprisoned for the fight for democratization of her a oppressed state. We sit in a rice shortage in the USA and BURMA used to be the "bread basket" of the world in regards to rice production. BUT NOW HARDLY EXPORTS ANY REAL SUBSTANTIAL RICE. Iraq is taking our sons and daughters lives and we are not even sure if anything REAL, AND LASTING good will eventually come of it. Topple the Burma Regime and do something that will produce real democracy in the world.
Helloooo!! Now you are talking! Amen to that brotha.
We are spreading democracy with the barel of a gun in Iraq to people who on a large scale don't want us there.
Why not sow democracy where there are people that will actually fight for it along with us. Certainly the oppressed people of Burma would qualify.
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