"We require, it seems stories that are rooted in our everyday lives, that are conveyed to us and dramatized for us in American vernacular speech, but that nonetheless help us know what it is to be truly human, for better or worse.
-Out At The Edges by Russell Banks

I've had the privilage of watching a couple excellent movies/tv shows that have embodied the above quote. One was a Jane Austin-ish tv series called "
Cranford". My wife and daughter have been watching a bunch of these period type shows on PBS and BBC. Usually I pass but I got hooked and 4 plus hours later, I was extremely grateful that I had taken the time to step out of my usual genres and view this series. It was so well done with fantastic performances. It was very funny, moving and tragic and had some very important messages to tell. I highly recommend it...and for the men out there...its got a broken arm scene that rivals the butt pucker factor of any war movie I've seen.

The other surprise movie that I reluctantly watched on tv the other week was
Shadowlands This movie based ont he life and romance of CS Lewis was powerful and I dont use that word flippantly. I truly think the message of the movie, the acting and the emotional impact of the story was phenomenal. I must confess I wept way too much for a man through out this film...thank God I was alone. This film is now in my top 10 drama movie list. I am sure the content and surrounding aesthetics of the movie and time period were part of it for me...the focus of philosophy, theology, books, teaching, a great dusty, smokey pub for men to converse, pipe smoking, Anthony Hopkins and a outstanding performance by Debra Winger made this movie so good. I recommend it but prepare to have your heart sucker punched. This movie made me think about how to be a better husband and father...and thats the one of the best recommendations I think a film could get.
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