Here is the newly donated Jacob's Well Church Van. It was a gift from a man who is on a limited income but felt compelled to help us with the refugee needs we have. Our church hosts three services on Sunday and in the refugee service at 6:30PM there are now around 75 people. Many of those need transportation back home after the service because the buses stop running by then. We currently have 10 volunteers providing rides after church. I had to take two trips Sunday night with my 8 passenger suburban. This van will be helpful for assisting in that work.
Ask and you shall receive is so true but the fact that a man on a fixed income paid $600 of his own income breaks my heart. I plan on taking up an offering to give back to him, this ministry won't be built on the backs of the poor. The poor will be part of it because they are part of the church body but those who have the means should pony up to meet the needs. This man showed up at the church, dropped off his little car, took the bus to the other side of town, bought the van, and drove it here. I am humbled by the gift and grateful to Jesus to be able to know such godly, humble, self sacrificing saints. God has surely chosen the weak things of this world to shame the strong.
That is likely the most humbling thing I've read in a long time. God bless that man.
Ask and you shall receive ... So true. I read this and find it ironic how our lord works.. A man with little means, giving to a greater cause. I am humbled and ashamed that I didn't act on the lords call for a people that need our church family most at this time..
Thank You sir, for following what god put on your heart
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