This is a camera shot of me and Austin and Micah at evening light at the cabin on Diamond Lake. Such a beautiful place to relax and enjoy each other. Here is a short video of the evening.

We were able to enjoy 3 days of boating, fishing, hiking and relaxing at a good friends cabin on Diamond Lake this last weekend.

The kids enjoyed catching critters and watching others get away. The amount of wildlife around the cabin is fantastic. We saw turtles, Blue heron, Osprey diving in the lake for fish, bullfrogs, bats at night, ducks and Canadian geese and Destiny and Austin got chased by a ferocious dog while they were biking.

Micah about had a melt down of giddiness at the thought of taking one of these turtles home. But we have done that before and learned that they don't make good pets...this is the life for them, in the lake, getting a tan.

We always go to this old store when we stay at the cabin. It's in Newport and has great ice cream or root beer floats in a old time wooden floored store.

This is the great cabin we stay in...its just right for us, with a great view of the lake. A real blessing for this tired pastor and family.
(invoking best Napoleon Dynamite voice) "Lucky!"
You deserve this kind of vacation once a month! too bad this couldn't be so.
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