Our church group camped up at Farragut St. Park in Idaho last weekend. We brought around 75 people and a lot of them were teens and kids. Of course if you know teens, particularly teen boys...the woods means climbing trees, making weapons and adventuring. All of these activities are forbidden by Johnny Camp Law, we found out...a fact that doesn't seem to bother young men and boys. So over the weekend, our campsite was visited by numerous men and women deputized by Smokey The Bear, Treebeard and David Henry Thoreau! Of course when they were greeted by dirty wild boys wielding 5 foot club hammers, spiked staves and spears sharpened to a cutting point...I'm sure they held their tongues about their major complaints for fear of their lives.

Needless to say...our group earned the "Worst Group Ever" epitaph...from a disgruntled grounds keeper who had to clean up someone's crap out of the men's bathroom sink! Which by the way was present when we arrived at the camp...of course there were a couple Jacob's Well campers there before our main group arrived...(you know who you are...)...but I digress. In fact the deputized park ruler...called the pernicious poopers...."Cannibals"...Yes, you read it right...human flesh eating tent dwellers!
So that makes Jacob's Well Church: "The Worst Group of Cannibal Campers Ever" at Farragut St. Park!!!
There has to be a T-shirt in there somewhere...
But no worries for next year...because we just told all the staff, we were from
HA!! LifeCenter. That's priceless!
Does...does Park Ranger Skippy there know what a cannibal is? I'm not sure it means what he thinks it means.
Sink poo = gross times a billion.
"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
Wow, what a hilarious account. My son happened to be one of the vicious cannibal heathens climbing trees and wielding flaming sticks. Where's the fun anymore? My children have been warded off of so many trees this summer. What's the point of trees if you can't climb them? Oh well. Still, this is too funny. Thanks for the laugh!
Darn Christians! They're supposed to be perfect you know.
Thanks for the laugh, eric.
Charity...I know what "Cannibal" means...it's what he called us...I'm not sure why he thought defecating in a sink, makes one a cannibal...but maybe they are linked...kinda like a "gateway" drug....???
someone defecated in a sink?! man there has to be a back story to that (haha "back" story, no pun intended)...and hey, dream, you're Charity? seriously lol, we met at the park a bit ago with my sister, I'm the blonde with the baby. Crazyness, I had no idea you were "dreamchaser", too cool.
Eric: I know that, I was also referring to the park dude. I know full well what cannibal means.
Cole: Yes, it's me. I suspected you might have been Cole, I figured when we first met online that it was short for something. I had a great time that day, hope to do it again :)
Sorry, I was quoting a movie, guess it got lost in translation. lol
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