I am starting a new series of messages on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM from the book of Revelations called: Cliff Notes To The Apocalypse: The Unofficial Guide To The End Of The World. I hope to help bring some fresh thoughts to the painfully complicated and misunderstood subject of the end times and with God's help reconnect us with the CHRIST of Revelations Vs the revelations.
With so much hoopla around the subject these days in books, TV and movies, I think the subject is in deep need of some biblical scrubbing or at least an attempt to bring some historical balance. Many people are not even aware of the 6 different interpretations of Revelations and get so frustrated or spooked by the book that they leave it alone except for maybe the first and last few chapters.
I don't claim to be an expert in eschatology but I think as a pastor, artist, poet and musician, as well as one who has studied much on the different views of Revelations, I can bring some helpful perspectives on spiritual themes and truths that run through out the book. It's a daunting task but I believe it will be a spiritually enriching conversation that will challenge our minds and views concerning this amazing mystery of a book.

well, i really hope you post your notes. i'm trying to talk some friends into a 52 week curse (I meant to type 'course', but maybe it would be a curse!) on Revelations - but the bites are slow in coming...!
Yes, I wish I could attend as well. I'm interested in your thoughts and applications of this profound book.
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