Priest: Having in remembrance, therefore, this saving commandment and all those things which have come to pass for us: the Cross, the Grave, the Resurrection on the third day, the Ascension into heaven, the Sitting at the right hand, and the second and glorious Coming.
-St. Chrysostoms Liturgy A.D.347- 407
I have been doing studies on Eschatology (the study of the last things) for a series of messages I am doing at Jacobs Well, our Sunday evening congregation. In my reading I came across this portion of early church liturgy. I found it to be quite enlightening. Much of the debate centered on the apocalyptic scriptures comes down to realized prophecy or futuristic prophecy. Are the prophetic portions of the prophets, the gospels and the revelation futuristic or realized truths or both?
I find the study of such things in their historical context to be most stimulating. I think we often fail to read the scripture with the hearers in mind. The question must be asked, "How did they understand what was being taught"? When we wrench conversations between apostles, churches and individuals out of their historical context and force them to speak or apply to us; I think we are in danger of misinterpreting the passages.

I agree with everything, I have but one request: Can you paint a picture like this one, but use my face? It wouldn't have to look exactly like me, just enough for us to recognise.
half-serious, Matt
OK...I will see what I can do...a St. Matthew coming up. I actually have been wanting to try out some icon like painting, so I will and maybe slip your face in for kicks. hey somebody has to be the mug shot right?
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