Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sailboat or train?

I make no apologies for appearing to be sailing instead of on a train with train tracks.

I have never followed a God who seems to paint in straight lines and if that somehow frightens some people or gives them the sense of instability than I stand guilty as charged.

I am a sailor not a conductor, I am not the engine with a trail of people box cars behind me.
I am a simple man hoisting a sail and grasping a rudder with a twinkle of adventure in my eye as I sing a song of joy again. I can breathe the fresh air of possibilities, the open seas beckon with danger and opportunity...the safety of land is receding. 

I am sailing with the winds that are blowing, with a compass not a map.
It is about movement not a destination when it comes to kingdom life.
Not that there isn't leadership or vision...there is a captain on this vessel and he is tuned to the skies, the compass, the charts and the hard earned experience of years of sailing the mighty winds of the Spirit.
But make no mistake about it, the seas and the winds are not predictable and they are dangerous!

We could die :) 
...but we could live too!

Wild Wind

"Prophesy to the WIND, son of man, and say to the WIND, Thus says the Lord God:
Come, O WIND, come from every corner and breathe into these slain that they may come to life."
-Ezekiel 37:9

"The wind blows (breathes) where it wills;
and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going.
So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit (Wind)." -Jesus (John 3:8)

There is a wild wind blowing...
Gathering mighty winds again!
Thundering tempests, gentle blowing...
Heavens womb, carrying the seeds to the four corners!

Uproot, chase the flame, let fury and passion be unleashed.
Lean down and breathe on us.
We dare to inhale Your breath!
O foolish am I to try to grasp it, contain it, control it.
I must simply be in it...embrace it and yield to it.

May we be awakened to Your might,
like those standing within the eye of the hurricane...
frighteningly unaware of what is about to be unleashed,
but wildly hungry for Your holy madness.
O! WILD WIND! Blow once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe when the wake settles and the bitterness of the moment is forgotten, you will be remembered with great fondness from where you came. And I pray you don't have time to consider whether or not you should have left. God moves here and there and we ask where, and why, and attempt to place our plans on a map. But God's promise is kept and we will end up wherever He wants us. love, Matt.