mommy brigade
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
Breastfed is BestFed...I saw this on a bumper-sticker yesterday and it reminds me of a particular predicament I face fairly regularly.
One of the strange things about having a laptop and pastoring with a mobile office is you often find yourself in odd situations. One of the places I spend a fair amount of time is at a local coffee spot called "The Shop". But during the day it is overrun with the "mommy brigade". They come in mass with their strollers, their children scurrying around, their cell phones and chatty friends all a buzz.
But I've noticed a couple of other things...these ladies are a free bunch of bra-less, breastfeeding earth mothers these days. Or maybe since I spent most of my 20's in a church office, safely locked away from any bohemian boobies, I never noticed?
Today, I was attempting to work at my little table and I was surrounded by nipples, dimples and stretched scruples. How does a pastor work in such a environment. Now I'm not against breasts...I am fond of them as the next guy and I hear they are the best source of food for the little gobblers...It's just odd trying to maintain a spiritual state of mind... in the midst of such activity.
It really has made me wonder about our idea of opening a coffee shop...
Once again you make me laugh outloud. No question there is a freeer attitude in the younger generation. I find many of my conversations with young people nearly making me blush. It reminds me of Elizabeth Elliot's story about the natives that wore only a narrow, woven waistband. She asked them why they wear it, they resounded with exclamation,"Do you expect me to walk around naked?!
Breast feeding in public is probably the least of the behavior changes women have made that shock me. Certainly the baby has no look of concern, He looks like a content little sprout.
Love Dad
I think fear of breasts is a product of US culture. There is no other place I have been that has such a hard time with breasts. Unfortunately the culture and it's traditions and transgressions have perverted something completely natural. I tip my hat to those women. ~Matt
I got no problem with any woman feeding her kid. I just found the whole situation funny...
Eric, I did breastfeed my babies too, but I also had what they call Grace. I had conservative/private. When my babies were hungry I excused myself and went to the bathroom or out to my car. I think its the now days woman that are trying to prove something, that by golly they can do it and there is nothing you can say about it. Its sad but I have seen woman like that and its not a beautiful thing!
I agree with you on this! -Mary
No problem here with breastfeeding, but I think being in America we have over-sexualized the female teet.
Always visually associating SEX with boob and never MILK with boob, has caused an automatic reaction in many. "...Oh my word!! She is showing her "sexual organ" in public..." No, actually, her baby is hungry and she is using the "bottle" God gave all mammals. Maybe we, the viewers, have the problem in scewing something pure.(?)
That said...as an American growing up after the Puritan era, I had a habit of covering up or excusing myself as well. The loud sucking noises in mixed company was too embarassing for me. :\
LeeElla The Wife
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