Friday, September 28, 2007

Lil Mama and Avril...

I dig this video. I don't know it's just fun. It reminds me of "ye-ole-youth-pastoring days". One of the blessings of working with teens, especially teen girls, was the laughter. So many memories of laughing. This video captures the "spunk" of teen girls that I loved. Attitude, playfulness and oh so hip. I'm not a big rap fan but Lil' mama can rap, I've always liked Avril, so the remix of "girlfriend" with these two is jammin.
girlfriend remix


Michael McMullen said...

I liked the video. However, my one qualm with Avril still stands. She needs to cut back on the raccoon eyes.

Other than that, I dug it. Catchy tune.

Unknown said...

yea...the watch my face run if it rains, almost gothic, chemical romanceish look is a bit much at times for me too. And for lil mama...I've never been a big lover of sticky lips that look like a slug slimed over them either. I guess that's my Oregon upbringing come out.