Monday, September 28, 2009

The Existential Ape...

My favorite comic for today in light of the doozy of a week that I have been through. It seems like lately there's been a massive proverbial dumping going on and a lot of it has seemed to land in my corner of the world. I think it was most serendipitously experienced the other day, when I was going outside to sit in the lovely sun, while accompanied by the mornings counsel-lee. As the sun hit my most Freudian, congenial self...I stepped in a pile of dog crap. Nothing like spending an hour counseling in the deep matters of interpersonal drama with doggie poo on your shoe, pants and foot.

So after a week of dealing with child abuse, depression, suicide threats, inconsiderate, pain in the butt christians, marital infidelity, on one hand...all while wading through angelic fornication, forbidden and banned books of the bible, 450 foot man eating giants; and on the other hand, dealing with local money grabbing christian hucksters, swooning & juiced up jeezuz, gyrating charismaniacs, and the doe-eyed, perma-grin, modern gnostics...all on the tail end of a couple weeks of family sickness...I'm feeling like a mad ape myself.

I found myself reading Psalms 43 this morning and the words that stood out to me were simply:

O' God. -Psalms 43:4

O' God...what a fitting prayer, meditation and mantra for the start of the week....Got to love David, he knew poo.


Michael McMullen said...

I've always said the most effective prayer I know to say is "Jesus, help".

Stay strong, bro.

The best part of that comic? The news article at the end. The best part of the article? First "...warning residents to avoid making eye contact with the monkey."

Second "The policemen moved in pairs, one carrying a large net and the other holding a 6-1/2 foot pole with bananas dangling from the end."

wes said...

A heavy load indeed. Wish I knew the Bible well enough to refer you to a couple of highly appropriate passages... but I don't. But I do know God & I do know He said to give Him all our stress & burdens... including dog poo.
And I do know beer. You need to go have one.

dreamchaser77 said...

Wow! So sorry you've had such a rough time :( I have been praying for you & your fam this week. I was a bit behind the times & didn't find out about LeeElla till the latter part of last week, but I have been praying since then. I hope this week goes better for you.

Matt said...

One of the best pieces of advice I've heard is "Don't wrestle with pigs, they like the mud."