Saturday, September 05, 2009

Not worshipping the Tummy Totem...

I love this conversation and hope that these discussions lead to more sanity in the image conscious, idolatrous and oppressive fashion industry. Most women have become slaves to body hating self talk. They pummel themselves with a stream of corrosive self talk that forms a mindset that ferments oppression and legalism. They suffer in silent or they become obsessively conscious about their body at the exclusion of the many other wonderful gifts in their lives. We most often worship what we think about...and that becomes painfully convicting when people realize that they love their thighs more than the Most high.
The fashion and health industry have built altars that women self sacrifice themselves upon and the self depreciating blood letting is viral....they get rich and we become poorer by the day.

Jesus came to set the captives free and that salvation, restoration and renewal extends into the life of the mind, will and emotions too. Abundant life is a gift that begins to transform the inner life of the soul and a beauty emerges that renews the mind. We can be at peace with ourselves. A joy that embraces our true selves and can laugh in the face of the future, despite wrinkles, rolls or gray hair is the evidence of grace at work.A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. -Proverbs 17:22

As a pastor I've witnessed the ugly results of our cultures fascination and idolatry of all things thin. Sometimes I wish we could go back in time to when a curvy woman was considered more attractive than the half starved, carrot nibblers we prance around as examples of the so called "beautiful woman". I hear pregnant woman complaining about their growing bodies and how they cant wait to get back into the gym where they can regain their boney bodies...and yet, the husbands are actually loving their new found lumps and bumps. I thought LeeElla was in some of her most beautiful and sexy moments when she was pregnant. It's simply a lie that a woman is only desirable between certain socially determined numbers. I pray we can learn to truly celebrate the glory of God found reflected in all of His matter what the size.

A truly liberated one who can embrace her tummy....but not worship it.


Kayloni said...

I think a huge point to draw out is the fact that she said she lives a healthy lifestyle and exercises. Christians have a responsibility to take care of the bodies God gave them to the best of their ability. Whether your fat or skinny isn't the most important issue. Whether your making healthy choices as the norm is. No matter what your size is if your exercising and eating healthy you will feel good/better about yourself.

MaryMGlynn said...

I love this post. Its so true Eric. It has become this way. Between the TV, Movies, commercials, radio, outside influences, magazines and so much more one can't help but look at their selves as ugly when you do not look like the woman that are out there being betrayed as beautiful. And then there are the men who seek porno magazines or movies even after marriage or relationship, are the looking for larger woman, no usually not. One can't help but question their own beauty.
I am guilty of this myself in my life. Of course you grew up in the 70-80s when thin was good. So it is hard. But you are exactly right.

MaryMGlynn said...

I meant we not

joey said...

yes, we should all take care of ourselves... but people take it to an extreme today..
the marilyn monroe look above is just right... i actually prefer that to the super-skinny waif look of today... :)