Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Things I loathe...

· Nail chewing…oh the germs that hide there.
· Corporate greed…sticking it to the little man
· Offering grace to the sinned against but not the sinner.
· The sexualizing of everything for young girls…do they need thongs?
· Parents that don’t change their kids diapers…I’m suffocating here!
· Bland buildings…is that all we can come up with too meet in?
· Art free churches…and we serve a God who created a lily?
· Chewing with your mouth open…please shut it.
· Girls who cuss…and you eat with that mouth?
· People who don’t choose too shower or wear deodorant.
· People who won’t have children, when there are so many in need of adoption…do you really need all that stuff anyway?
· Slow and inconsiderate waiters/waitresses…your tip is on the line here Betty.
· When people can’t talk about anything deeper than E channel or ESPN…shoot me in the head please.
· Anything by boy bands or smut and butt singers…put some clothes on you bimbos and pimps.
· When you buy a 2 litter of pop and its flat…arrrrrgh!
· Overly sensitive people….toughen up baby.
· Teen girl singers who start out sweet and go smutty.
· Boring sermons…absolutely nothing more sinful.
· Sappy, plastic unrealistic worship music…no I can’t worship to anything, sorry.
· Getting in the car and its on empty…oh this sizzles my bacon.
· Eye goobers and snot…oh please, please look in the mirror once in awhile, will ya?
· Spiders…oh how I loathe arachnids with such a passion.
· Moss and weeds in my lawn…I am going to kick Adam in the butt for this one.
· Dirty homes…how hard is it to clean up after yourselves?
· No clean laundry…nuff said.
· Cheap beer…if you can’t pay for good beer, don’t drink it bud.
· When people leave peanut butter or jelly on the jars.
· Skinny girls…eat a Big Mac please, your innards and bones are showing and it is grossing me out.
· Thong underwear…get over your Victoria self, floss is for teeth anyways.
· Girls who can’t find a kennel for their puppies…if you have to hike it, than you shouldn’t buy it.
· Girls who bathe themselves in perfume and body sprays…choke, gag, gasp…
· That I suck at speeelling.
· That I am too timid…stupid man pleaser.
· That I don’t have anything in savings.
· That I have not had medical insurance for over 12 years. Thanks.
· Women who can’t say anything positive about their husbands.
· Men who can’t pull their heads out of their ass and love their wives.Stupid and slow drivers…can’t you read the signs…this is a freeway not a golf course.


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you couldn't stand my smell, couldn't you have just told me in private? You know i'm just trying to conserve water! "Puppies in the kennel?" Are you refering to mammalian protuberences? I am really too old to understand some of this cultures new lingo.

Anonymous said...

Embrace sports...for theirin lies the vast mysteries of manhood and sweat. Many a lesson can be learned from just one session of Sportscenter...a mere 30 minutes of daily education to help bridge the Gap between the neanderthal and truly intellectual.

Anonymous said...

One thing I can't stand is seeing my intolerance mirrored in others, Oops I did it again! Wait that could be a song... isn't looking past all this part of what it means to live faithfully? Oops... I kind of like that Britney. -Matt.

Unknown said...

Jeez Matt, lighten up. This isn't a playpen its a blog...my thoughts...intolerant and all. It's part of being human and sharing the experience with others who care to get a glimpse inside my head. Sorry if the halo doesn't glitter all the time, all things cast a shadow.

Unknown said...

I am not sure why you seem so hostile. My point is just that this is obviously a personal blog, a journal if you will. With a journal that is public there is a fair amount of vulnerability. Sharing ones thoughts good and bad and opening a comments section is a bit risky. I think the difference between my posting is in generalities and your posting is the personal. I am not naming names, my points are directed out there somewhere. You are posting directly at me and that can make someone...like me, a bit defensive at times. I welcome your thoughts, granted, it makes it tough when there seems to be anger directed at me personally. I don't understand that but if what I write brings that upon me than so be it, I will try to understand or explain myself better.

I hope you understand that I do enjoy your responses it gives me a chance to explain myself; which after your first post, I did respond on another blog post. I tried to shed some clearer light on where my "negative" post was coming from. Your comments helped me see that there needed to be a bit more clarification on what I was feeling. To me that is the positive results of a comments section. The negative result is when people start to hurt each other and comments turn into a bite and devour session. I don't desire that at all.