I'm getting nauseated with so much of this stuff going on right now. I know there has been liars, wolves in sheep's clothing, quacks, 'christian voodoo men", fake healers, snake oil peddlers and kooky spooky nuts who throw things, blow things and sell lots of things and we love it so. The sideshow has been ratcheting up for ages but with all the recent Lakeland shenanigans going down...I'm starting to get ticked and yet, I read this verse and I pause, with my forehead veins still protruding...
"Some proclaim Christ from envy and rivalry, but others from goodwill. These proclaim Christ out of love, knowing that I have been put here for the defense of the gospel; the others proclaim Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but intending to increase my suffering in my imprisonment. What does it matter? Just this, that Christ is proclaimed in every way, whether out of false motives or true; and in that I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice." Philippians 1:15-18
I guess I will have to figure out how to rejoice in this...some how, some way. I can rejoice that he was exposed and as another brother has said, it was probably due in part to the popularity of the song and the light it shed on him...so in a way, he dug his own pit and fell into it...which might become a mercy from God for his own soul.

Jesus warned about the "God is moving here and there crowd" in Matthew 24:23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."
The church and faithful pastors have to hold fast to the example of the Ephesian church that was praised by Jesus for the way they handled the traveling charismatic circus of their day..."I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. -Revelations 2:2.
With out sounding like I'm quoting from a Left Behind book or channeling a TBN prophesy guy with greying hair, wide eyes and the grumbling and rumbling sound of hysteria brewing in my bowels...I still think these days seem to be evidence that we are way to prone to deception, which could bode bad if these times come, if they are not already here:
"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. -2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
That should send us to prayer and bible study and urge us to get our butts back into a healthy, truth preaching and teaching church. Oh and maybe canceling our subscriptions to the christian magazines that are peddling and promoting this strange fire revival stuff. Turn off the christian boob tube, quit panting after the next movement, message or man that is pranced around as the latest and greatest.
God help us...
Throughout the whole of my Christian life, I have never struggled with any verse in the Bible as much as I have Philippians 1:15-18.
Part of me wants to totally disagree with it, and consider it a soft moment for Paul. That stems out of stories like this, that make my heart sink and my jaw clench. Because things like that affect people I know. Not nameless crowds at some amphitheater, but friends of mine. And it makes me angry.
Yes, God help us. Because I don't even know where to begin with this. It hurts me. As someone who has experienced real healing, it's offensive to me.
So, I have to rely on God to give me the words to say in response. And through that, Christ will be preached.
I'm totally gutted by this. I even bought the song after seeing the clip you posted! lol (ironic laughter). The thing is, its not a brilliant song, but it was the worship behind it, and that appears to be fake.
This is the problem with celebrity christianity, we aren't supposed to be.
This, and the whole Lakeland thing, makes me think that we should just stick to the simple things - like loving God and each other!
Let's leave all the shananigans to others.
Ya, really disappointing...I bought the song..because of the tube in the dude nose and the fact that there was no "healing" story, yet. I was moved by the praise in the pain aspect. The song wasn't great, but the unity in lifting our sicknesses and diseases to God, together in worship, waiting...together, was deeply "healing" to me.
This cheapens it, rapes it, slaps the bride, the sick, the suffering, the poor of spirit, the innocent, the almost able to believe...across the face.
I loathe it.
It's one of the reasons I've remained skeptical of some of the high profile leaders within the northwest and the rising reformed movement...I remember the last leader I was blessed and enamored with...he was firery, shocking, passionate, bible focused and called for the return to conservative values...ol, Jimmy Swaggert. I still remember the pain I felt as a new Christian after idolizing him, being overcome by his preaching and singing time and time again. I remember the weeping under the Spirit during and after his ministry of the word and worship. I being a recently converted death metal head banger being moved by Jimmy's golden gospel piano...that HAD TO BE God!!!!
I'm just not a fan or believer in man that much anymore.
I just pray that God will keep us from being cynical and missing out on the blessings that are truly from Him.
Horrible and criminal, what he did for money and fame.
In my opinion, truth is truth, no matter who is speaking it.
It is still a worship song, with true words, just written by a pathetic man. Could I still sing it? Say someone who didn't know about the scandle in some small town somewhere hears it and is blessed and encouraged. Is God still glorified? Yep. For that matter, what about all the great songs written by men who have fallen morally and been unfaithful to their wives. (ie: Kevin Prosch, Darrell Evans) What are we to do with their music? Do we sing it? Is it tainted? Is the music before they sinned more holy, or after they sinned and repented?
Aren't we ALL tainted, really? So when asked if I could sing this guys song, knowing its story...I think I could. In the end it is all just pathetic words to try to communicate our relationship with a vast and endless God. - LeeElla
Please forgive me but I have to insert a quote from Thomas Brooks, written around 1661 --
"Consider, that true, sound, solid marks, signs, and evidences, are the best way to prevent delusions. There is no such deceit in sound and solid evidences, as there is in flashy joys, and in high and strange raptures, by which many glistering professors have been sadly deceived and deluded. Young Samuel, being not aquainted with any extraordinary manifestations of the presence and power of God, took the voice of God from heaven to be the voice of old Eli, 1Sam. 3:5, Ah! how many have there been in our days, that have taken the irregular motions of their own hearts, and the violent workings of their own distempered fancies, and imaginations, and satanical delusions, to be the visions of God, celestial raptures, divine breathings, and the powerful impulses of the Spirit of God; and so have been stired up to speak, write, and act such things that have been, not only contrary to the holy word of God, but also contrary to the very laws of nature and nations."
These things have been going on since Judas, and it compels us to know what is and what isn't the Spirit of God. Find revival in your prayer closet, learn of God's voice there, learn of His methods while alone, and then,when you hear another you will know if it is the same Spirit. Is it a meek and lowly spirit, dressed in modesty, seeking not his own glory, not making a name for himself, rich in mercy and good works? God uses the humble, the simple, without fan-fare. God rarely touches the masses, it is an individual process, so if all are running after something, don't follow. You will never miss what God has for your life if you seek Him earnestly. Oh, and use common sense, that helps.
Love Dad
"Find revival in your prayer closet, learn of God's voice there"
Thanks Eric's Dad. This is a real encouragement and so true :)
I'm not sure that verse in Philippians applies entirely to this situation. Where falsehoods are mentioned, it seems to be in reference to false motives, not false truths. I think what he did was sleazy because he actually manufactured circumstances that weren't real...he lied. I agree with LeeElla that the song and the message still have meaning despite his weakness, but I don't think Phillipians 1 excuses him and forces us to find a way to glory in the situation. We can swallow hard and be glad that people were drawn to Jesus thru it, but it doesn't make his lies any less so. Truth is truth regardless of the messengers motive, but a lie is untruth everytime.
The truth was in the song.
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