Dare I move to holy places that utter, swoosh and rumble.
Feathered fear, unblinking eyes that surround each step.
Flames smolder, stirred up in the voices, distant songs, present prayers,
They swoon and swirl around, fragrant offerings, desperate pleadings.
Paths among the colors, hues and glints that dazzle and wash over you.
Voices echo among the angelic pillars...prayers resound and return to the earth
with the momentum of divine decrees enveloped around them like falling stars...they descend with grace and judgement.
Hands hidden among symbols of flight...the lift of heaven pulls in a skyward uptake.
He is inhaling the moment, the weakness, the terra-firm boundness.
Here gifts that burn, are passed. I receive what is given and release what is destined but it scars me with celestial flames. I suffer to pass the coals. It is the way of the seer to be consumed first, by what passes through ones hands.
I’ve been summoned and now...I am released like a feather that falls, a symbol of something that flew where you could not walk.
Eric Blauer 8.24.08 (based on prayer time in EZ 10)
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