My Mac got all funky on me and decided to require a new hard drive. So I've been limping along for the last four days waiting for the return. So today, I got her back and all is swell. She's got the new Leopard OSX under the hood and I was able to finally upload over a month of sermons online at our church
site. The computer/internet break did my head and heart some good though. I needed to decompress or defragment my own hard drive that's lodged in my soul. So the down time was kind of like a rejuvenating fast. I upgraded to the new Mac OS for the Time machine feature. It's a Mac program that facilitates backing up your computer to an external hard drive. I've had two major break downs this last year with my computer that required backing up stuff...thankfully I was backed up (in the non digestive way) and didn't lose much of anything. I learned my lesson when my computer was stolen from my office at the last church I served at. I lost years of stuff that I never took the time to back up...I won't do that again!
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