When are we going to stop "checking things out" that sounds like a continual Costco nipple session. Ugh. If you "go" somewhere...maybe you should stop just "going" and become a member. Be loyal, support your church and pastor, love the people God has surrounded you with, develop your gifts, serve, give and celebrate life together for the long haul. Love each other, have mercy and grace for one another. Learn to sow into the need, don't just point out the needs. A truly spiritual person can see the underdeveloped parts of a garden and works and cares for it with their gifts and talents and Godward influnece to help make it more fruitful. Church garden do not need more Ravens that swoop in and pick and tear, nibble and dribble and then flutter off to the next garden.
I'm praying for the Holy Scarecrow anointing.
Jesus said the "birds of the air" should come and "nest in the branches"(Mark 4:32). So make a nest, make some babies and start feeding off the insects that are killing the tree...make the tree of God's dwelling more fruitful by you being there. Don't be a pest or a parasite.
'nuff of this willy nilly tip toe through the churches thing...if we keep reshuffling the deck nothing is really growing. Play your hand..if you just got two of a kind...so be it. People keep looking for the full house instead of playing the hand they are dealt. I'm not saying that God never moves His pieces around the chess board but the lack of commitment and the way we shop and graze today makes real lasting relationships almost impossible to develop. Community can happen around a general vision and that is good and goes fairly deep, at least until something more exciting comes along. But real, meaningful relationships require years of history, events, ups and downs, good times and bad times...together.
So let's stop sharing with our Christian friends and instead...reach out and share Jesus with people who are not connected to Him and His body. I understand when we are excited about where God has us...but our commission is to take the good news primarily to those who have not heard or...those who need to hear the echo of love and grace...again.
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