How we act, how we minister, how we present God, how we treat people, how we preach, how we represent the ways of God are all part of discerning the true gospel.
We do not just judge the fact of rather or not there is "life" or just "truth" but is this a healthy "way" to live out the gospel? What some people accept on a stage would never find any place in day to day life and in the case of this video...might even be prosecutable. The craziness that we put up with behind closed doors is becoming frightening. But now with video, internet and youtube...the world is able to see and hear us...and that is causing much that is being done in "darkness" to be come exposed. The internet is "light" and that can be good light or bad light...depending on what kind of actions are taking place or being revealed.
But methods can be argued with, but what really worries me is the way "message" can be warped, anemic, light, crooked like a half shadow, muddled, bizarre, dwarfed, hollow and theologically underdeveloped and we buy it. These gospels are packaged like organic truth but upon biblical and just plain human sense examination they are revealed to be as nutritious as a greasy burger....well, actually the packaging is more scary than the message most of the time but people still gobble it up. No one could grow in grace on the 'gospels" that are being peddled over the airwaves and "god-tubes" these days. Our webcams have unveiled the underbelly of lunacy in both the world and the church and its being trumpeted as evidence of God moving?
I position my self theologically as an evangelical, reformed leaning, Charismatic. I have seen God do miracles but I have also seen God allow a lot of stuff to be done in His name, that in the end just exposes those who will cling to Him and His word and those who didn't. Even when "stuff" happens and "evidence" appears to validate the "words and ways" of various "prophets" in the end...it was more about who clung to the Lord and His words. Miracle and sign chasing is shaky ground to build your spiritual life upon.
I would heed the warnings of Jesus, the Apostles and the history of Israel. These passages are present to help us navigate the stormy waters that so often swirl all around the church and the truth.
If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them," you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. -Deut. 13:1-4
"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who brought them--bringing swift destruction on themselves."
-2Peters 2:1
Scriptures also tell us that as the end times approach, more and more false prophets will come and deceive the people.
-Matt. 24:12
Jesus himself warn Christians to watch out and be on the alert for false prophets, who come "in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves." -Matt. 7:15
You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?" 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him. -Deut 18:20-21
The longer I live and walk in Jesus, the more I see that the same old stuff just gets repackaged with a few twists. Sure there might not be any rattlers and vipers in these services but its the same game...just a different field.
That video was disturbing on multiple levels. And not new. I've heard lots of stories of that type of "healing method", and they always struck a nerve with me.
The idea of 'beating the devil' out of someone doesn't seem to get a lot of play in the Gospels.
Good post. I find that this issue strikes deeper with non-Christians than I believe most Christians are aware. We may not be of the world, but we're still in it and the people of the world are watching us.
...And they will know we are Christians by our:
A) Teased-out hair and cheesy, fake smile.
B) Flamboyant stage presence and miracle chants
C) Our new "cutting-edge" and "non-traditional" service
D) Our love for one another
Looked like a whole lot of "love" was smashed into that Guy's gut with Todd Bentley's size 10 combat boot!
That poor guy probably gave money in the offering, too. - So sad...
We have been deceived if we think the "power" to heal or save is in our shoe, breath, spit, jerk, twitch, shoulda-boughta-honda chant or whatever else.
The power to deliver and heal is found in the name of Jesus - IN HIM and not in these methods.
Are these things used?
YES, but they are part of US in the equation.
Over and over again in scripture it says that Jesus SPOKE to evil spirits and they left, informed people they were instantly healed, told them to go and sin no more. Conversation tones were used, I'm sure.
If speaking is enough for him, shouldn't that be enough for us to get his work done?
thats a crazy guy and should be charged with assault haha. the vocie of the lord or the childhood memories of playing street fighterrrr
who would want to go to that church?
that wasnt brainwashed with these ideas that is.
that god beats the sin out of people.
if you werent a christian, or even not part of that church, you would ask many questions thats for sure. people like that should be stopped, because they give christians such a negative reputation for being well..cracked.
I think the tried and true way of telling if someone has the "gift of healing", is, are they ministering in a hospital or on stage. I do not believe "healers" are ever on stage, no never. Is it a wonder SNL makes a mockery of Christianity? Like the above post mentioned, the world looks at this and shakes their head in disgust.
Christ is shamed, Christians made the fool, and charletons reap cash, and the world is repelled.
Seeking a sign, is not faith.
Yikes, I could go on about this for pages, but suffice to say if you need a miracle or a sign, please, go to your prayer closet and you will find it there.
It would have been great if the guy dodged the kick then did a roundhouse and ko'd him! -Matt
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