Singing becomes an overflow of a worshipping life. Wether we are releasing an abundance of praise or vocalizing our desperation...worship is more than music. With that premise...it matters not the style, the number of people doing it, the age, the social context, the cultural flavor...all of that is not worship. God sees the heart, the life, the message, the offering.
The posture of ones life determines what is worship.
The beauty of this truth is found when we realize that many parts of our lives can become a way or an act of worship.
It expands our offerings to the Lord. Worship then becomes a discovery of how to glorify God in all we do in word or deed. It wraps all of life into an act of praise...the good and the bad can become a hallowed sacrifice that we humbly or joyfully lift up to Him.
My beef with "modern" is that it's often about performance and feeling. Sounds like drugs. That's my take. -Matt
Ouch!...harsh judgement, Matt. Especially for someone like me who has lived and breathed worship for years and years. It produces lots of feeling in me, from every point of the spectrum. It is my passion, and something that has been a part of my public and private life for as long as I can remember. When I was about 4-5 years old, I began sitting at the piano, playing and singing to God from my heart - making up songs to him. I did that all growing up, and still do. It is just in me. When I worship, I'm sure there are those who don't understand my passion and can mis-understand just looking on the outside. Spilling ones guts out in secret is safe...doing it in public, you are forced to die to what people think...over and over again. That said, I think we should also remember that ones culture dictates expression in music also. A church service in Africa will be different than one in France - strictly because you have two people groups. Is one more or less spiritual - more or less genuine?? For that matter, God has shown that he can use Angel and Ass alike to speak to his people and bring glory to his name. So...that pretty much covers all of us no matter what season we are in on this journey. LOL! That's my two cents, from another perspective. - LeeElla :)
I'm not into the concert style worship service, that's all. I have several reasons, but the biggest is I don't enjoy it. I know we can all honor God in our own ways. And I want everyone to be happy doing it. -Matt
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