Monday, August 18, 2008

He said...what?

I've wrestled with this issue a lot in my communication. These kind of issues are bumped up against all the time in my life and in my desire to communicate to a generally christianized culture and an ambivalent culture that has grown deaf to the voice of the church due to the monotonous, monotone, mumbling that has so often characterized the proclamation of truth. I find the bible shocking, raw and humorous. It's stories are potent with all things human.

The truth is often proclaimed in words and ways that would prevent the original hearers from falling asleep. In fact the messages more often than not, got the preachers imprisoned, stoned, chased out of town or beaten down...rarely ignored. I tend to tread close and over the line and often I beat myself up afterwards as I try to balance being a godly and dignified elder as commanded in the scriptures; but at the same time holding to the edge of truth even if it bites, shocks and makes some people squirm or bleed. In the end my prayer is that Jesus would be glorified and not ignored. That His word would be proclaimed and not pandered or be reduced to a slight whispering over tea...a mere "conversation" that can be lost in the droning of the many other voices that shimmer, gently massage and buzz.

it's the balance of the title of this blog: Crowbar Massage...not always an easy endeavor, for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can we stone each other then? -Matt