Perfect Lord, Flawed Vessels, Corrupt Systems
I have written about the issue and publicly stated my position on the "revival" prior to the recent news (which seems to be continually evolving) concerning issues in and around the movement:
"We wish to acknowledge, however, that since our last statement from the Fresh Fire Board of Directors, we have discovered new information revealing that Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff. In light of this new information and in consultation with his leaders and advisors, Todd Bentley has agreed to step down from his position on the Board of Directors and to refrain from all public ministry for a season to receive counsel in his personal life.-from Revival Fire Ministries website
Due to the fact that there has been publicizing, promoting and facilitating by local pastors, city leaders and ministries in Spokane to host a Todd Bentley meeting here in Spokane; I felt the need to state my position. I am seriously concerned about the state of the Charismatic and Pentecostal movement today. I am more concerned about the structures, values and paradigms that are present that set believers and churches up for deception, abuse and a "revival" itch that never seems to be satisfied. The constant pursuit of signs & wonders, revival movements and charismatic holy men today is alarming but not new.
Methods, Message and Men...have always had to be held accountable to biblical truth and the historical roots of biblical, apostolic Christianity. To ignore one of these legs of the stool, will cause people, churches and movements to eventually fall. The damage can be devastating in both personal experience and the backlash of cultural and community disdain.
As a Charismatic, reformed leaning, evangelical...I consider the Word and the Spirit to be complementary and necessary for healthy biblical living and a fruitful church or ministry. I attempt to lead from a position that is open and inviting to authentic works of the Holy Spirit and at the same time grounded and tethered to the Christ centered proclamation of the gospel and the truth of the New Covenant. A reality that is proclaimed in the words that the "Kingdom of God is at hand". The Spirit of God has been poured out and we plead with people to enter in by faith, to the work of God by His Spirit, both inwardly in conversion and outwardly in ministry. I am not ashamed of the gospel and the power of God that is found in proclaiming, teaching and living the word of God. We preach Christ and Him crucified, risen and ascended to the right hand of God in word and deed.
We rest in His finished work of Jesus Christ and are not looking for another Messiah, Message or Movement. The events of Lakeland and the fact that many high profile leaders laid their hands on this man and endorsed by word, deed or presence, the message and movement; alarms me and is evidence that we are still wrestling with men, systems and philosophies that are dangerously prone to anti-christ influences. The excuses, side stepping, spiritualizing, flip-flopping and spiritual bullying by high profile leaders that is going on now, is more evidence that the blind may be leading the blind.
I pray that as we navigate the wind and waves ahead in this city, nation and era; we will not be moved from the apostolic message of the centrality of Christ, the teaching of the whole word of God and the ministry and outreach to the poor and unbelieving in our cities.
1 comment:
The article you linked to is very good. He covers so many pertinent issues. Great insights. Hopefully every one will read it and take it and your post to heart.
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