Tuesday, August 05, 2008

World Refugee Day

World Relief hosted a celebration at Liberty Park here in our neighborhood for World Refugee Day. There was lots of different ethnic foods, live music, singing, sharing and friend making going on as we celebrated the good things God has done. We've been blessed as a church to be involved for the last two years in refugee resettlement in our neighborhood. With around 100 refugees now as our East Central neighbors and friends, we've seen lots of good stuff take place. We host a tutoring class, a permit/driver's licensee education class, weekly volunteer opportunities with appointments and assistance to the families. We have a Sharing Shack where we collect and store household goods for those who need them. We have a Karen refugee service with their own Karen speaking pastor who lives on the same block as the church. We are working with the Spokane Community College to open a 5 day's a week refugee English program here at the building that will greatly enhance the incoming refugees language and life skills. We are working on a computer class and station for learning and having access to computers. We also will be starting a Basic Car Maintenance class as well. All in all this has developed into a very hands on way for our church to serve and love people who come into our city with many challenges ahead of them. It's been an honor to grow a church that has engaged itself in practical ministry in a loving way. A huge thank you to all our volunteers that make this ministry what it is, you inspire me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such an inspiring and 'perspiring' video. All the practical skills taught, ESL, computers, auto mechanics, these are not highly spiritual activities, or are they. Here is one big hearty 'at a boy' to all the people at Jacob's Well for their hard work and dedication making a staggering culture change for the refugees alot easier.
God's work at its best.
Love Dad