But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. -1 Cor 7:9
Upon reflection on my conversations over on my facebook account about the "nipple" pic..(which has been a good one, the convo's not necessarily the nipple)...I thought of this above verse.
I find it sad that women are constantly forced to bear the consequences of men not being able to "control themselves". Freedom isn't determined by sin...but gospel. Now freedom can be set aside out of love; but it's always the choice of the one seeking to love. If a brother is a porn addict, given to lust and unable to grow in the fruit of self control...he needs counseling. He doesn't become the standard or judge of what is proper or right...he is the sick man not the healthy man. Drunkards must learn moderation...the moderate must not be guilted for the man of excess. Put out your own fire...don't tell everyone around you to stop being attractive or beauitful or alluring. Burkas can cover a womans body but they can't change a mans heart...only the gospel and the Spirit can do that.
Ah yes to the point really. Love the pics you choose for your posts btw, this one made me laugh for some reason. (the "facelift" one made me cringe though (x.x); "Jeremiah, oh dear...")
The verse you cited (amongst others) does brings up many other thoughts but well, maybe another day...
Thank you for this post.
To the question of your title..."Yes, it WOULD be my fault if you lusted after me."
Guilty as charged. ;)
Love, the wifey
Glad to see you're not shy about such a "hot" topic!
Great post.
As far as the picture goes, I usually just use bleach. It saves in the long run.
no mike... just use tide!
thanks for the post
Liked your commentary on this. But what about the verses that say to eat or act in a way so as not to make someone stumble? I agree that it shouldn't be all our burden nor is it all society's fault for someone falling in a particular sin but don't we heed that a little. My aunt has been sober for 6 years but I still have a really hard time feeling comfortable having a glass of wine in front of her... out of respect for her weaknesses or whatever it may be. But... on the same token, she never indicates that it is mine or anyone else's responsibility not to drink in front of her. She is mature enough to know that it was her own issue to struggle through and not everyone elses duty to protect or shield her from it I guess.
Yes, that's why I said:
"Now freedom can be set aside out of love; but it's always the choice of the one seeking to love"
My point is we always start from sin not gospel in these conversations. You are free to "never" drink again Or ever eat meat, so as to never make a person stumble, as Paul puts it.
But It must not really mean "never" because I have never heard one sermon against the abstienece movement in the church against meat. Even though more people die dye to the fork than the bottle.
Freedom isn't freedom unless you are really free to say no...or yes.
Love isn't really love until one learns to put others before themselves.
There lies the crux of the Jesus way.
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