The greatest of oceans can't offer you a cup of good drink,
yet the lowliest of streams can refresh you with its small but sweet waters.
Raging rivers, booming their threatening voice forward like a charging wall of horses,
is sure to awaken wonder like thunder frightens a timid child.
Yet, the quiet melodies of a meandering secluded brook,
mesmerizes the jaded soul out of its catatonic spell like the kiss of tender and moist lips.
Each ripple, soft as breath but as life altering,
as the moment Lazarus heard his name spoken once again.
Deep waters alluring mystery beckon us like a sirens voice,
but the whispers of bubbling glass dancing over small stones,
calls to our hearts like the fragrance of mothers embrace.
One can drown in the depths of a mountain shedding its winter coat,
but one can be born anew in the mirrors found in quietly gathering pools.
One can pass in the streams closest to the sanctuary,
but cannot ford the wild waters farther away.
Let go of chasing angels; abandon measuring depths that only celestials can fathom,
and being content to find waters too walk within is my present wisdom.
-Written 2.25.05.
I was inspired this morning by Henery Ward Beecher's chapter in Star Papers called "Springs and Solitude".
I turned the chapter into song in my morning devotions and out of that song came this poem. I love how literature breeds contemplation and contemplation births music and music turns to prayer and prayer marries ink and on and on it flows...

I have been reading your postings for some time, and have even linked you to my simple blog, in order to share the beauty of what you write.
I'm just stopping by today to say, thank you.
I am honored...thank you :)
That's really beautiful.
Thanks Mike. It ministered to me as I wrote it, much like cooking a good meal feeds those who prepare it. Some people enjoy certain foods more than others, this one I enjoyed laying out on the table.
I agree with the other commments, this piece is rich, I love the picture you chose, I am drawn into the poem from beginning to end, and I like the last stanza.
I took the picture at the grotto in Portland. You really need to go there dad...it is a sin that you have not been to such a wonderful place in your town. I promise, you will simply love it.
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