Saturday, April 08, 2006

Jesus talks about submission...

Hebrews 5:7-8 says:
During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with LOUD CRIES AND TEARS to the one who could save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

Interesting peek into the prayer life of Jesus. Submission involved loud cries and tears, interesting isn't it. Often we think of biblical submission as always quite, internal and non-confrontational. Jesus spoke out his heart and his will clearly and with emotional intensity but...yielded the outcome to the Father.

I think there is much to talk about in the idea of submission and the biblical vs. cultural way to live out the real characteristics of it. Most teaching on Authority and submission comes from the Old Covenant not the New. Most people don't know that there are Greek words for authority that the New testament almost never uses in relationship between believers and each other, husbands and wives and leaders and members!

I loved a sign I saw on a business the other day, it said: Leadership is action not position.

When you look at leadership from that point of view you can see the power of leadership as Jesus taught it. It is manifested in servanthood and becomes open and accessible to anyone. All can become leaders if we are willing to serve. All can become great instruments of influence when we understand that those who have to have a title most likely don't have the heart of those they desire to lead.

Influence is power and it flows through humility, love and service. Not to say that there isn't an aggressive drive in pursuit of accomplishing God's will and work, it just circumvents the normal route to the throne of power. It is given authority freely because it understands that authority is GIVEN FREELY and never exercised OVER someone. It is a gift given out of love and trust not a right demanded...that is Old covenant. You HAVE authority and it is yours to give to someone freely and take back freely, you are not a slave but a son. Remember the words of Jesus: I no longer call you slaves but friends.(Jn 15:15)

It is best to read what Jesus said about the outworking of leadership and the ideas behind titles and positions instead of bringing a gentile or King mindset to the New testament.

Submission isn't slavery it is freedom, personhood and it's powerful in it's peace.

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