Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Vomit the prophets again!

The scriptures often use the imagery of the seas as a picture of the mass of humanity. If I could take a little allegorical grace for a moment, I would like to compare the fleeing and sleeping prophet Jonah to be a type of people that need to be awakened in this hour.

I watched the news this morning and it was image after image, story after story of child suicide bombers, nuclear weapons, unstable nations, threats of pandemics, murder, rape and violence. There is truly a “great wind on the sea” a “great storm that is about to break up the ship” -Jonah 1:4

Like the sailors on Jonah's ship, many today have become “afraid, and every man is crying to his god” in vain. But where was the prophet of God? “Jonah had gone below into the hold of the ship, lain down and fallen sound asleep.” -Jonah 1:5

I fear that many prophets of God have fallen asleep in the hold of the ship. They are not present to help direct the vessels of our communities but have grown cold, tired and complacent about their commission from God. They no longer burn. Our world is looking for answers to the storms and winds that are pulling their lives and cities and nations apart and the prophets have found a quiet little nesting place in the arms of the church.

Like that rusty old captain on Jonah's cruise, these modern day Jonahs need a sailor boot in the butt and the same rebuke: “HOW IS IT THAT YOU ARE SLEEPING? GET UP! CALL ON YOUR GOD. Perhaps your God will be concerned about us so that we will not perish.” -Jonah 1:6

Yes, it was true then and it is true now, “the lot fell on Jonah.”

We need these prophets thrown into the sea of humanity again. Cast them into the deep where all prophets belong. Back to the abyss where you will find your voice again. In the “depth of Sheol” you will find the place of prayer once more. Let all the “currents and breakers and billows” pass over you and “wrap around your head” until you are awakened again to the purpose of your life.

Let the Lord appoint a “great fish” that will swallow you whole and in the belly of its digestive juices you will find that hard shell of indifference and rebellion eaten away. In that dark place you will see light again. Down to the very “roots of the mountains” you will find faith to be who you were born to be.

God is going to puke out some prophets again. Out of the very bowels of this world are coming some regurgitated men and women that are going to find themselves vomited onto the very shores of their destinies. God is going to take you by a way you would not have expected. In your running away, you will end up at your destination with an unexpected power that can only be found in the womb of the pit (Jonah 2:1-10).

It isn't the first time that LIFE ascended from DEATH. In fact in all great apocalyptic moments of history, when judgments are wracking the earth like birth pangs, a clarion call goes out, the book of LIFE is opened and it's resurrecting power beckons the dead in the seas again:

“Another book was opened, which is the book of life…and the sea gave up the dead which were in it…-Revelations 20:12-13.

I too stand on the shores of this great sea and prayerfully scream out to the deep to give up its dead prophets! Jonah arise out of the depths of depravity, backsliding, distraction, and deception. I call for the great fish appointed by God to swallow them and carry them to their divine appointment with “great cities” to puke them out onto the sands of Spokane.

We want the fish dwellers, the slimy prophets that need a bath.

Give us the forgotten ones and the ones who have forgotten themselves. 

Jonah, I call you from the deep!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know why Jonah was my favorite bible character? He seemed real. He questioned God without hesitation because he just didn't understand why God did what he did. He knew God, knew exactly what he was going to do, understand his nature, but didn't understand why. It just seemed meaningless to him because he couldn't see the end, he could only see the countless moments until that end, and they all looked the same to him.