Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A law of nature...


Mel said...

Hmmm, that doesn't quite seem fair, does it?

Anonymous said...

A law of nature! True, but not because of their respective gender, in the end I think this quote sums it up best (but of course not so hilariously):

Ain't no time two people staring at each other, or standing still, loving both with their eyes are equal. Truth is, someone is chasing someone. That's the way we's built. So, who's chasing?

-The Happening (aweful movie, great quote)

Unknown said...

anonymous...good quote, haven't seen the movie.

Though not meant to be a slam on gender; I think that most people, men and women...and most gender studies would agree that the above generalization is...true.

Maybe not for all...but, well...yeah all, ok, maybe not all, but pretty much 95 % of all the peeps I have talked too.

Sure there's countless reasons why..but for face value, I think God designed it biologically that way...but hopefully science can undue that.


Look what mankind has done for male pattern baldness....wait, never mind.