Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Our Mayor burning it up...

Last Saturday night at the RAWK Final Four...our mayor, Mary Verner, joined up with GASMASQ and busted a rhyme with a solid message, a shout out to the Grace of God and the Children of the Sun. If my son hadn't been competing in the band contest, I would have voted for her!


Mel said...

Thank you for posting this.

Mel said...

Actually, I meant to say, Thank you, thank you, thank you!! for posting this. :) (Just watched it, totally amazing!)

FCB said...

I'm impressed; seems like Spokane has a Mayor with the right kind of ambition, anyway, the message was great, go girl.
Love Dad

Michael McMullen said...

I normally have a fairly strong stance on public officials rapping, but our mayor is the shizzle.

Great message, I agree.