Tuesday, June 13, 2006

kissed by grace...

Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
Grace gives the best robe...

I am struck by the scandal of grace and the beauty of it. Grace gives us what we do not deserve. The Father has woven the best robe in His house for the one who is currently out there somewhere squandering his inheritance on loose living.

There have been many things that I was sure the Father had waiting for me after a season of "loose living" but "the best robe" was never what I expected.

No one thinks those people who are squandering deserve more. No one thinks that, except Father.

Imagine the dancing and singing and feasting that could be a apart of our "houses" if the heart of the Father could truly be found and experienced.

If sinners could find a church that..."sees" them "while they are far off" and "feels compassion" and "runs" to them and "embraces" them and "kisses" them...we would see more lost sons and daughters returning on the road they left on.

They know the way home...they just don't know what to expect anymore when they get there.

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