Thursday, June 08, 2006

Lord of the nations...have my robe.

And most of the crowd kept spreading their garments on the road. -
Matt. 21:8

Most of my reality is seen and formed first in the closet of prayer;
in the pregnant atmosphere of worship is where my vision is so often
opened. I know why the old testament called the prophets "seers",
because in His presence you begin to see; or as David said
His light, we see light.

Yesterday during a time of worship, I prophesied a phrase that
included the words: "The nations will come and lay down their robes"
and then I had in my mind a picture of Jesus riding into the city on
a donkey.

After prayer I opened to Matt. 21 and read the story of Jesus
entering the city of Jerusalem on the colt. There in the passage it
described not only people cutting down branches and laying them
before Jesus (a part I had remembered) but a part I didn't
remember...the disciples and the people laying down their robes.

Jesus enters a city in unexpected and upside down ways. Instead of a
triumphant conquering king riding in on a impressive
stallion...instead comes a humble king on the back of a young ass.

His path was covered with the robes of those who had willingly laid
them down.

In that moment I was struck with the power of the passage. The King
rides in on that which is laid down. When his disciples choose to lay
down their possessions, agendas, reputation, dreams and their very
lives for the King; there in that sacrifice, is a highway for our God.

He comes in unassuming humility and sacrificial living. He appears in
the offering of love. What do you call me to lay down Lord, that will
pave the way for your kingdom to enter my city in a greater way?

What will it take for us to see the nations lay down their robes?
You and me laying down ours...

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